
Monday, March 7, 2016

How to gain 3 star easily from th9 base in Clash of Clans 2016

Take easily three star from th9 base in COC:

Are you new in th9 ?
Don't you understand how you will complete th9 base easily?

Yes hear I am to share a new attacking formation with you that works 100% efficiently.
It is a new formation of lava loon attacking system. By this lava loon formation you can destroy any th9
base easily. We know the previous formation of lava loon attack where it was 24 beloon, 1 hog rider, 4 lava hound, 4 rage spell and 2 poison to destroy cc troops. It also an effective attacking formation but most of the time it fails in hard th9 base. Sometimes it gains 3star sometimes not. So it is not a sure attacking system.

Now I am telling you about a very effective attacking formation by this formation you can destroy any th9 base easily without any tension.
It is 1 hog rider to bring out cc troops. Than send your queen to a corner where some buildings located. After that cc troops will go to your queen and just after 1sec of reaching cc troops use your queens boost power and finish cc troops. After finishing you will see that your queen still alive.

Now it is your main attacking time. Send four lava to 1st two air defences and two lava for each and send 6 beloons to for per 1st two air defences. 6 beloons between previous 12 that means frome middle side of your attacking side. Use other beloons by using your sence depending on enemy base. Remember it your main targets are air defences and secondary targets are archer towers.

Using spell:
You have to use total 6 spells. 4 rage spell, 2 haste spell. 1 haste from your dark spell factory and another from your clanmates by using clan castle. At first two rage spell on your beloon which are going to destroy 1st two air defences and use one haste just middle of them. Use next two rage spells to drive your beloon quickly to another two air defences. Still you have one haste spell and use it to drive your beloon to archer tower quickly. Now you see that your enemy defences are totally vanished.

Minions which come out from your lava they will destroy other buildings, resources, king,  queen etc.

Finally your troops formation will be 24 beloons, 1 hog rider, 4 lava hounds, 5 archers.

So use lava loon and destroy any th9 base and gain 3star from them very easily. Thank you.

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