
Friday, April 8, 2016

Clash Royale training camp cards information and strategy

Clash Royale training Camp deck details

It is the 1st stage of Clash Royale game. Players have to start their activities, battles, card unlock from this stage. You can tell it initial stage of Clash Royale game. No trophies need to join here. In this stage a player gets some cards by which he or she can play the game. All of them are not important
but most of them are very important to play Clash Royale game. In this article I am trying to give short description of every card of training camp.

Card list of training camp in Clash Royale:

Clash royale training camp deck card

Mini P.E.K.K.A
Baby Dragon
Skeleton Army

Arrows card strategy 

Type: Spell
Area damage: 114
Clash royale arrows card
Crown tower damage: 46
Radius: 4

Attack: Arrows card is important to damage a good number of enemy troops if they are gathering in a small area. Most of the time we see that, to eliminate our prince or giant or giant skeleton opponent using skeletons army or minion or good number of goblins. That time it will be very effective to eliminate them from your giant/prince path. Only one arrows spell can clear them. It can be used to accelerate the finishing of goblin hut or barbarian hut. If your opponent's tower remains less than 114 you can destroy it by arrows spell without facing any defence.

Defence: When opponent use goblin hut/ Skeleton hut/ Skeleton army to attack your tower and you are facing a big problem that how you will eliminate these troops because they are good in number. Just use arrows spell and see, the surroundings of your tower is totally clear.

Weakness: Normally its damage power is 114 but it is not very effective to the Crown tower. For crown tower its damage power only 46.

Bomber card strategy

Type: Troop
Clash royale deck bomber card
Add caption
DPS: 52
Hitpoint: 150
Hit speed: 1.9sec
Targets: Ground
Speed: Medium
Deploy time: 1sec
Range: 5
Elixir: 3
Rarity: Common

Yes, here it is bomber but in clash of clans it is wall breaker. Its DPS and hitpoint is low. Useful troop if you can use it. Deploy it just after high hitpoint troops like giant, giant skeleton etc.

Attack: You should not use it alone because of its low hitpoint. If you use it behind the giant, prince, giant skeleton, Valkyrie or P.E.K.K.A it will become a battle changer. Mainly it is horrible for skeleton group. Another thing is its range. It can attack from a distance of 5 tiles which gives it a good advantage to attack.

Defence: Due to its range it can be a defensive troop. Mainly for giant, hog, prince or Valkyrie it may be a very good defence.

Weakness: It can attack only ground. Hitpoint is low. Minions, baby dragon can be dangerous for it.

Archers card strategy

Clash royale game archer card3
Hitpoint: 125
Speed: Medium
Targets: Air and ground both.
Range: 5.5
Deploy time: 1sec
Number: 2
Elixir: 3
Rarity: Common

Archers are very common and useful troops of clash of clans. It is important at clash royale also. It is unlockable from very begging when you are in training camp.  But you can change it with spear goblins or goblin barrels later. For lower arena it is very useful but not in higher arena.

Attack: They are able to attack in both air and ground. But it will not be good if you deploy them alone. It will be just waste of your elixir. They should be used with high hitpoint troops.

Defence: It can be used to defend or to waste opponent's time. If you are a new player of Clash Royale game, use it upto unlock other cards.

Weakness: Weakness of archers are only two in number and damage power is not good. Hitpoint also not good but elixir is high according to their total ability.

Knight card strategy

clash royale game knight card

DPS: 68
Hitpoint: 600
Speed: Medium
Hit speed: 1.1sec
Range: Melee
Target: Only ground
Deploy time: 1sec

Knight has very good attacking power as well as hitpoint. 600 hitpoint is not bad in clash royale game. For lower Arena it is very effective troop mainly for new player of clash royale game. Because it is a common troop with good hitpoint but easy to unlock.

Attack: It may be best option to use knight with a high hitpoint troops like giant or giant skeleton. It will give backup to giant or giant skeleton. Speed of knight is medium, so it can be useful if you are able to use it.

Defence: Knight can be a good defence for low damage power troops because of its high hitpoint. For high damage power troops it can waste their time and give you opportunity to wait for elixir.

Weakness: It targets single troops at a time. So, it can be nothing in front of skeletons army or minions or barbarians.

Fireball card strategy

clash royale game fireball card

Type: Spell
Area damage: 325
Crown tower damage: 130
Radius: 2.5
Elixir: 4
Rarity: Rare

A spell can be used at any time. If it is a damaging spell and it is very important for a player. Fireball is a great spell card of Clash Royale game. It may be the last term card of your battle.

Attack: Don't try to use it frequently. Store it for a better time. Goblin hut, Barbarian hut, tombstone, x-bow and other structure of your opponent are very disgusting for you. So, it may be solution for these structures. Use fire ball to them and make their life time less than half. When you are attacking by giant or prince or another high hitpoint troops, if your opponent use skeleton army or a group of goblins that time use the fiare ball to swip out them. If your opponent's tower life is remaining very few and you are waiting for elixir try to use first and destroy the tower without facing any defences.

Defence: Sometimes you may face an attack by a group of low hitpoint troops, it may be the best option to eliminate them instantly. Break the goblin hut and barbarian hut by fireball just after sattle. It will be a great defence.

Weakness: Less damage to the crown tower and high hitpoint single troops.

Mini P.E.K.K.A card strategy

clash royale mini pekka card

Type: troop
DPS: 180
Hitpoint: 600
Deploy time: 1sec
Speed: Fast
Hitspeed: 1.8sec
Targets: Ground only
Range: Melee
Elixir: 4
Rarity: Rare

Mini P.E.K.K.A is the mini version of P.E.K.K.A. But it is not slow like P.E.K.K.A. It is fast and having high damage power.

Attack: Mini P.E.K.K.A is a standard troop for attack. Normally we know that P.E.K.K.A is a very slow troop in Clash of Clans but in Clash Royale supercell brought its mini version which is fast and having high damage power. If you backup it by another troops it will give you a big damage of opponent's base.

Defence: Mini P.E.K.K.A may be good for defence if you use it with any high hitpoint troops. Mainly it is very effective to eliminate the giant and prince.

Weakness: Hitpoint is the main weakness of mini P.E.K.K.A. You can't make it alive for a long time due to its low hitpoint.

Musketeer card strategy

clash royale game musketeer card

Type: Troop
DPS: 90
Hitpoint: 360
Speed: Medium
Hit speed: 1.1sec
Targets: Air and ground
Range: 6.5
Deploy time: 1sec
Elixir: 4
Rarity: Rare

Musketeer is a new troop of Clash Royale game which is not available in Clash of Clans. She can attack both air and ground. She is popular for her high damage power and range.

Attack: Musketeer is a lovely attacking troop. She may be a good backup for giant, Prince, P.E.K.K.A or giant skeleton. Her high range gives an extra facility to attack from a good distance. Because her range is 6.5 tiles. She can destroy cannon without facing any problem if there is no other troops. Due to its range crown tower can't attack her when she destroys base towers. If you are able to use her perfectly she will be a very effective card for you.

Defence: Her hitpoint is not very bad. So she can be used as a defensive troop. Normally I suggest Valkyrie for a good defence. If you use muketeer with Valkyrie, this combination may be a very good defence. Her targets not only ground but also air. For minion and baby dragon she is a very good defence. Overall she is good for defence.

Weakness: Hitpoint is the main weakness of musketeer. Another thing is that it attacks single targets, so barbarians, minions, skeletons may be dangerous for musketeer.

Ginat card strategy

clash royale game giant card

Type: Troop
DPS: 84
Hitpoint: 2000
Deploy time: 1sec
Speed: Slow
Hit speed: 1.5sec
Targets: Building
Range: Melee
Elixir: 5
Rarity: Rare

Giant is the most valuable and important troop of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale game. From very beginning of Clash of Clans it is popular for its high hitpoint and targets. Now in Clash Royale game also it keeps its popularity.

Attack: Giant is the 1st choice of Clash Royale players for attack. If you can send it safely to any tower, giant will make it a graveyard. Most of the time try to use a backup for giant. It can be Valkyrie,  musketeer, goblins etc. Giant+goblin hut/barbarian hut can be a great combination for attack. At first Sattle a goblin hut than deploy the giant, after that try to use another goblin hut, if not possible use baby dragon or Valkyrie.  Than see the magic.

Defence: When you are facing a big or combind troops attack and you have to defend your tower instantly deploy the giant. Every troops of opponents will be busy with giant and due to its high hitpoint it will take some time. that time you will try to collect your best defensive troops from your Clash Royale deck.

Weakness: Speed is one of the weak point of giant. Its speed is not good enough. Most of the time it can be destroyed on its path by minions or barbarians. Another weak point of giant is skeleton army. If you deploy skeleton army near the giant, it will be vanished instantly.

Prince card strategy 

clash royale game prince card strategy

Type: Troop
DPS: 146
Hitpoint: 1100
Speed: Medium
Hit speed: 1.5sec
Deploy time: 1sec
Range: 2.5
Targets: Ground
Elixir: 5
Rarity: Epic

Prince is a fully new troops of Clash Royale game where most of the troops of Clash Royale are taken from Clash of Clans. It earn popularity in a short time. Most of the plyers are using prince in their Clash royale deck.

Attack: Prince is a dangerous troops to opponents. If you want to take advantage by prince, you have to know proper use of it. It can't be earned by tips, you should have good practice. Try to use prince less in battle, 2 or 3 time but these use must be effective. Wait for opponent, when your opponent attacking your base that time deploy the prince with Valkyrie to attack your opponent. He or she can't do anything if your Valkyrie give backup to the prince. If prince can attack 3-5 seconds freely, opponent tower must be vanished.

Defence: My personal opinion is don't use it for defence. If you are being attacked by high hitpoint troops like giant, giant skeleton, P.E.K.K.A prince may be a solution if you don't have any good card for defence that time. Specially for giant it may be a good choice.

Weakness: Hitpoint is not so good, targeting single troop that's why skeleton army can eliminate it within 2 second. In front of barbarian group also it is nothing.

Baby Dragon card strategy

clash royale game baby dragon card strategy

Type: troop
DPS:  55
Hitpoint: 80
Speed: Fast
Hit speed: 1.8sec
Targets: Air and ground
Range: 3.5
Deploy time: 1sec
Elixir: 4
Rarity: Epic

Baby dragon is the mini version of Clash of Clans dragon which is a mighty flying unit. It has been included to the Clash Royale game for the popularity  of dragon in Clash of Clans. Dragon has very high hitpoint and damage power but baby dragon has loe famage power and average hitoint which is not bad comparing to the other trops.

Attack: It is a very good attacking troop of Clash Royale game. Its main power is high hitpoint though DPS is not good. But fact is that it has good area damage. So, it is very effective against a group of low hitpoint troops like goblins, skeletons, archers etc. When you are in full attacking position with high hitpoint troops that time try to deploy a baby dragon also. It will accelerate the attacking power. It can be good backup of giant/giant skeletons/prince/ Valkyrie/P.E.K.K.A. Its best advantage is it can fly and able to attack both ground and air.

Defence: Use it against a number of goblins, archer, skeletons or skeleton army. It will be very effective to eliminate these troops due to its high area damage. To stop giant, giant skeleton or P.E.K.K.A it may be used.

Weakness: Baby dragon can be eliminated only by a single musketeer or a group of high level minions.

Skeleton Army card strategy

clash royale game skeleton army card strategy

Type: troop
DPS: 30
Hitpoint: 30
Speed: Fast
Hit speed: 1sec
Targets: Ground
Range: Melee
Deploy time: 1sec
Elixir: 4
Rarity: Epic

Skeleton army is a very very important card to win a battle in Clash Royale game. It will be the best defence of your base against high hitpoint and high DPS troops.

Attack: Don't try to use it in attack frequently. If you feel safe and opponent is waiting for elixir only that time you should use it. Because of skeletons low hitpoint. They can be wiped out instantly by a fire ball or arrows or one strike of Valkyrie. Its main power is its number. It is a group of 20 skeletons.

Defence: Skeleton army is mainly being used to defend opponent's high level troops like giant, prince, giant skeleton or P.E.K.K.A. All time try to store a card of skeleton army for emergency.  Prince, giant, P.E.K.K.A are very very dangerous for your towers. So you have to stop them as early as possible. When opponent deploy a giant/prince/P.E.K.K.A wait and give them a. chance to come in your area and that time use your skeleton army, they will vanish them instantly.
*** If you don't have it, try to get it by gem.

Weakness: Main weak point of skeleton army is their hitpoint. The can be swiped out by a single fire ball or arrows or by one hit of Valkyrie.

Witch card strategy

clash royale game witch card strategy

Type: troop
DPS: 54
Hitpoint: 500
Speed: Medium
Hit speed: 0.7sec
Targets: Ground and air both
Range: 5.5
Deploy time: 1sec
Elixir: 5
Rarity: Rare

Witch is attractive for her colorful eyes. She is looking very beautiful. After every 3 seconds she summons skeletons.  It is the main power of witch.

Attack: Witc should be used just behind any high hitpoint troops like giant, Valkyrie, P.E.K.K.A, giant skeleton. Than she continuously summon skeletons which will be very effective or waste opponent time. On the other hand it can attack both air and ground. If you keep it alive for long time it will give you a flood of skeletons.

Defence: Due to its range of 5.5 tiles it may be a good card for defence. Specially for giant and prince.

Weakness: Hitpoint and DPS are not very good. Not be effective without high hitpoint troops. Elixir cost is high.

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